We are proud to say that we're Australia's first verified house sharing platform. From the very beginning, we have insisted that all users on our platform are verified via Australia Post. Their Digital iD technology has been integrated into our system enabling you to quickly be verified in around 30 seconds.
When building a community of house sharers, we believe that the community should be built on trust. So we've utilised technology to enable trust to be built amoung our users. Everyone, including you, has had to provide a government photo iD and that information is then matched against the information in your profile. This proves that everyone is who they say they are.
One of the biggest problems house sharers tell us is that they're sick of having to sort through fake profiles. Because every user has to be verified, it ensures that all profiles are genuine. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you're connecting with real people with real profiles.
Once you have successfully applied for your Digital iD, there will be a badge applied to your profile. This will show everyone that your profile is verified.
You can install your Digital iD on your mobile device and use it at any other participating business that utilises this technology for their verification.
The good news is, we pay for it. It's part of your pricing model on our platform.
It's really easy to apply for your Digital iD. Just make sure you have your preferred and accepted photo iD on hand. Once you click the verify button, you'll see a window open up that shows our logo and Australia Post. Just follow the prompts and in 30 seconds you'll have been verified. You can also watch the video below that steps you through the process.